How to write an inverse regex that will match when a string is not present

(?=^((?!the text that should not be present).)+$)(^the text that should be present$) Here is a Javascript snippet to check that a string does not contain two dashes (–) directly following each other: var regex = /(?=^((?!–).)+$)(^[a-z\-]{1,10}$)/; true === regex.test(‘abc-def’); true === regex.test(‘-abc-def-‘); false === regex.test(‘abc–def’); false === regex.test(‘abc—def’);


Inderator User Manual: By Cluedapp (Pty) Ltd Version 1.0.7 26 April 2020 Inderator stands for Website Index File Generator. As the name implies, it is a utility program to generate static index files for websites. Download Inderator here Inderator is written in C#. .NET Framework 4.7.2 or Mono Project is required to run Inderator. Inderator …

Ternary operator syntax is not sufficient

Programming languages need an extra syntax operator: a “binary truth operator”. We all know the ternary operator: value = if_this_is_true ? do_this : else_do_this; Let’s look at an example of the ternary operator: firstName = “John” surname = “Doe” age = 40 fullName = firstName + ” ” + surname + (age > 0 ? …

What everyone should know about SCRUM

Because neo-communist slavery practices, such as the world-famous SCRUM “methodology”, are so pervasive in our modern workplaces, I thought I would share with you a couple of slogans and handy battle cries, to aid you in your daily struggle to mentally and physically eradicate it from your life. Thank me later! Editor’s Rant: The main …