Ideal Methodology

Agile Is Not Ideal. SCRUM Is Not Ideal. Ideal Methodology picks up where Agile Methodology left off. Its motto is as follows: “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, complain.” Agile and Scrum represent the mindset that complaining and intimidating people are the main methods of achieving project requirements. Agile and Scrum is simply institutionalized …

Family tree genealogical data JSON format template

Below is an open-source JSON format template to store an individual’s genealogical data, for your family tree. { “surname”: “”, “maidenSurname”: “”, “name”: “”, “nickname”: “”, “idNumber”: “”, “gender”: “m/f”, “race”: “”, “ethnicGroup”: “”, “height”: “”, “firstLanguage”: “”, “otherLanguage”: [“”], “birth”: [“Year”, “Month”, “Day”], “birthWhere”: “”, “death”: [“Year”, “Month”, “Day”], “deathWhere”: “”, “deathCause”: “”, “married”: …

How to write an inverse regex that will match when a string is not present

(?=^((?!the text that should not be present).)+$)(^the text that should be present$) Here is a Javascript snippet to check that a string does not contain two dashes (–) directly following each other: var regex = /(?=^((?!–).)+$)(^[a-z\-]{1,10}$)/; true === regex.test(‘abc-def’); true === regex.test(‘-abc-def-‘); false === regex.test(‘abc–def’); false === regex.test(‘abc—def’);

Ternary operator syntax is not sufficient

Programming languages need an extra syntax operator: a “binary truth operator”. We all know the ternary operator: value = if_this_is_true ? do_this : else_do_this; Let’s look at an example of the ternary operator: firstName = “John” surname = “Doe” age = 40 fullName = firstName + ” ” + surname + (age > 0 ? …